Simone Samuels

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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Week Commencing June 21, 2021

*all dates and times are in AEST

Today marks Solstice- winter or summer depending on your hemisphere- happy solstice!

It’s a big week this week with the Full Moon, expect to feel a burst of energy and possible restless sleep in the build-up. We are now in Cancer season and will have the start to a new month this week!  Mercury is in retrograde until the 23rd,when it will finally station direct again, although we will we will still be feeling its shadow over the coming weeks . Mercury Rx is in a sextile with Chiron in Aries, and both the Moon and Sun are also squaring Chiron in Aries, an angle which calls for us to heal any wounds we might have around our self-expression and where we might be holding back from using our voice.  Let’s look at how the lunar energies and mood will affect us this week…

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Scorpio

The week begins with the Waxing Gibbous Moon is in Scorpio where it began its transit late Sunday night. You might feel more passionate about the things which you are working on or you will have heart-felt conversations with people. Use the increased lunar energy of this period to focus on crossing the finish line and making any adjustments to your plans or intentions before the Full Moon.

There is an intensity and depth to how we feel with the Scorpio energy, so don't be alarmed if you feel like hiding away in your cave today. Use this time to tap into your passions and allow your shadows to come to the surface. If you are feeling a bit over-emotional then try using some Lavender Peace to calm and balance your mood or add a few drops of Geranium essential oil to your diffuser to aid in feelings of love and trust and honesty that might be needed during this Scorpio Moon.

Void-of-course Moon

The Moon goes Void on Tuesday from 4:43pm until 10:55pm. Take this opportunity to rest and replenish and to practice nourishing self-care and avoid making big decisions and starting on anything new.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Sagittarius

On Wednesday with the Waxing Gibbous Moon in fun-loving and adventurous Sagittarius it’s a good time to re-evaluate your life to find a deeper meaning to things, to explore the truth, or that there will be a desire to learn more about ourselves and the world around us so as to see things from a bigger picture perspective.

Take time out to explore your world for all the possibilities that there could be if you expand your knowledge and experiences. Do something adventurous and out of your usual comfort zone, or even change-up your usual routine and do them in a new way. Rosemary is the oil of knowledge and would be a good one to work with while the Moon is in Sagittarius.

Void-of-course Moon

On Thursday the Moon will be Void again from 12:09pm until 11:04pm- the usual void Moon advice applies! Avoid big meetings, big decisions and starting anything new.

Full Moon in Capricorn

On Friday morning at 4:39am is when the Full Moon in hard-working and serious Capricorn will be exact. The full moon in Capricorn calls for us to look restructure the way we are doing things. Capricorn is very organised and focused, so re-evaluate your plans and map out how your goals for the second half of this year.

This might mean changing the way you do things and restricting your life and business so you can keep your ambitions in sight without being too forceful or pushing too much and instead going more with the flow. Explore your work ethic and see what you need to release to make space for something new in your work. If you can get outside for a walk in nature or a more strenuous hike this would be a good way to focus on this new season of life.

Do your Full Moon Mapping in your My Unstoppable Life Journal and explore where you have been too controlling things too much and where you can loosen-up more. The Full Moon time is all about release- what can you let go of? What’s no longer serving you? What can you celebrate that is going well?

As always, I am running a Full Moon circle online for all Moon Members so if you would like  to be part of our group releasing ritual on Friday night, then be sure to join the Moon Membership before then and also take part in our future new and full moon circles  plus be part of the community and all the resources I have for you.

On Saturday at 10:49pm the Moon begins its next void-of-course until 12:09am on Sunday morning.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Aquarius

All day on Sunday the Waning Gibbous Moon will be in visionary Aquarius where it will be for most of the weekend. This Moon could bring further mental clarity due to its intellectual energy, but the quirky Aquarius uniqueness might see this being applied to our social circle or community in some way. You could organise or be involved with a charity event of some kind to harness the Aquarius Moon, or even just stand up for something you believe in.

Brainstorm your strategies for reaching your life and biz goals this lunar cycle and take some time to be outside and get grounded. The essential oil Clary Sage can be great for getting clarity and seeing things from fresh perspectives and to expand your vision, which could be useful on this Aquarius Moon.

Learn more about how to harness the energy and mood of the lunar cycle in the Moon Membership. join here:

Watch the full forecast on my IGTV below:

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