Simone Samuels

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Lunar Energy and Mood Report

October 11-17, 2021

How is your week going so far? I’m a bit late with writing and sharing this week’s report. I have had a lot of things going on, and I have a number of irons in the fire which are all vying for my energy, time and attention. Such Waxing Moon energy!

Let me start by sharing a little story to show you how manifesting with the Moon works to bring your desires and wishes to life!

One of my New Moon intention for several Moons now, has been that I wanted to get fit and strong in my body (as I have been feeling less than average). Summer is coming and i want to be toned and strong and energised.

Shortly after the Virgo New Moon, I joined a membership and started doing at-home pilates/HIIT workouts a few days a week, which I have been really enjoying. I have been consistent and noticed my core strength improving in particular.

But I kind of felt there was more to my intention than just this. Then, an opportunity arose two weeks ago which would mean taking my fitness to the next level! I jumped at this chance, which would also give me a chance to further my personal development AND tick off another intention- get involved in my local community.

Last week, I started my Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC)! This requires a lot of theoretical learning as well as physical skills practice. I need to build my strength, endurance and stamina to be able to complete two components of the course assessment. I need to successfully complete a beach run, then beach swim and another beach run- in under 5 minutes!. I also need to do a board rescue, something that is completely new to me.

It’s fun, but exhausting, as I push my body through a training schedule of swimming, using boards in the ocean and also beach running (which is not my fave thing!). I’m excited to see how much better I get at doing everything over the next 6 weeks. My mantra for our first day of beach skills last weekend was, “I can do hard things”. I just kept saying that over and over to dig deep and get the grit and determination needed to get through when I wasn’t sure if I could.

When did you last do something that was hard, and pushed you outside your comfort zone? There is nothing worse than being stagnant and stuck right? By doing new things, it can help us to grow and expand and gain momentum. This is particularly useful to do when the Moon is waxing (as it is now) and we can harness the increased energy of the Moon to kick-start us along.

It’s amazing to me how all these pieces came together to bring my intention to life. It also shows that we can’t always know HOW our wishes will come true, but to keep remaining open to the possibilities and opportunities that arise. Keep taking inspired action and the rest will flow!

What I recommend for you, is to go take a look at your New Moon intentions from last week and choose one of them to take inspired action on this week and to throw all your thoughts and energy into it. I bet you can make it happen!

If you would like to learn more about how you can harness the energy of the Moon to manifest and bring your wishes to life, be sure to join us in the Moon Membership!

Now, let’s get started with this week’s report!

Lunar Energy and Mood Report for the Week October 11-17, 2021

This week starts with the Moon still in its Waxing Crescent. When the Moon is waxing, it appears to be getting bigger- the energy that accompanies this is expansive and there will be an increase in your energy.

You might find it useful to refine your plans so you can confidently move forward with them on Wednesday’s First Quarter Moon phase. The rest of the week will see us with the Waxing Gibbous Moon, building up to the Full Moon!

Moon Phase Energy

Think of this phase as the time you plant the seeds of your intentions.  Whatever you set out to manifest on the New Moon, this week is the time to make action steps to bring those things into your life. Start taking inspired action, watering those seeds of inspiration and creativity.

What to do for the Waxing Gibbous phase

🌒 Feel into your New Moon intentions so you are comfortable with how them and if they are aligned

🌒 Map out your action steps for bringing your intentions into your life

🌒 Give yourself some mental space to really notice how you are feeling and what
you are thinking. This could be through doing a walking meditation or going into nature and
just being.

Waxing Gibbous Theme:



I feel into my intentions with strength and confidence

Reflection questions:

What are the first steps needed to bring my intentions to fruition?
What can I do to trust my intuition more? What can I let go of to make space for more

On Wednesday October 13 is the First Quarter phase, which is when the Moon appears as a half Moon in the sky. The Moon only stays in the First (and Third Quarter) phase for one day. This means that for most of this week the Moon will be Waxing Gibbous.

The First Quarter on Monday might feel a little challenging. It’s a time when our doubts, fears, limiting beliefs and insecurities can start to bubble to the surface, especially when it comes to how we are feeling about our goals and intentions. If you haven’t yet made any strides in these, you might start to doubt yourself. Luckily, the energy of this phase gives us the momentum to keep moving forward, so take a positive approach and keep moving forward. Just be mindful about being over-ambitious.

What to do for the First Quarter phase

🌓 If you haven’t yet, now is the time to take inspired action. If you want to manifest love, then tell someone how much you love them; if you want to call in more money, then donate to a cause that inspires you, for example.

🌓 Take practical steps and be positive despite any challenges

🌓 Communicate any new thoughts and write down new ideas for your projects or work so that you stop and think about how achievable it might be

Third Quarter Theme: Action

Affirmation: I take bold and positive action to support my intentions

Reflection questions: What creative expression can clear obstacles that are coming up? What joyful actions can I take to make my intentions a reality? How can I improve my approach and step out of my comfort zone?

From Thursday until Sunday, the Moon will be in the Waxing Gibbous phase, continuing to grow in size until she is full. This is such a high-energy phase when we can pursue our intentions with gusto and focus, and to make any adjustments needed to keep things moving forward. Things might feel a bit intense emotionally as this feeling of expansion matches the growing Moon. You might find it helpful to make adjustments to things you are working on so you can maintain your focus.

What to do for the Waxing Gibbous phase

🌔 Be focused on following through on things and pay attention to the details

🌔 Assess and re-evaluate your progress as you build momentum. In your journal, note down how you are feeling about your intention.

🌔 Be clear with your boundaries and delegate if necessary, so that you don’t get overwhelmed by trying to do it all.

Waxing Gibbous Theme:



I trust in adapting and refining my intentions so they are in alignment

Reflection questions:

What is working well right now? What adjustments do I need to make to keep momentum on my intentions? What doesn’t feel in alignment anymore?

Moon Sign Moods

Monday October 11

The Waxing Crescent moved into the sign of optimistic and adventurous Sagittarius early on Monday mornning.  When the Moon is in philosophical Sagittarius it is a good time to get together with like-minded people for intellectual conversations, and to also get out into nature and do something active.

Lunar Self-Care for Sagittarius

🌛 Plan out your next holiday or adventure, or go on a mini-adventure in your own neighbourhood by taking a different route to school/work or exploring somewhere new that you haven’t been before

🌛 If you can spend some rec time on the beach, in the mountains or doing something sporty outside, this will help with any restless feelings the Sag Moon might bring

🌛 Explore the values of truth and freedom in your own life and how you can experience more of these

Journaling question:

What makes you feel the mot free and how can you bring more of this into your life?

Essential oil:

Rosemary: this is the oil of knowledge and can help in supporting your intellect and being open to new information (and new experiences). Apply a few drops onto the back of your neck, forehead and behind the ears, or diffuse or inhale.

Void Moon Tuesday October 12 from 2:30pm to 3:14am (October 13th) (AEST)

Do menial tasks, focus on nourishing self-care and avoid making big decisions

Wednesday October 13th to Thursday October 14th

​The First Quarter Moon will be in disciplined and responsible Capricorn.  With the Moon here it’s the perfect time to evaluate the structures in your life and how well they are supporting you. What feels stagnant that could be cleared? This is the Moon for focussing on your work or business, making some strong foundations for the future, and to make focused and practical plans.

Lunar Self-Care for Capricorn

🌛 As the Full Moon approaches, commit to your intentions and goals by harnessing the tenacious Capricorn vibe

🌛 Enjoy some simple outdoor activities to honour the earthy Capricorn energy

🌛 Take some time to practice nourishing self-care so you don’t over-work yourself- why not read a book for pleasure while soaking in the tub!

Journaling question:

How am I being reserved or withdrawn and in what ways can I connect more deeply to my emotions?

Essential oil:

Ginger: this is the oil of empowerment that can support you in being present and committed in your life. Diffuse, inhale or apply over your stomach region to help you to feel empowered and responsible in what you choose in life.

Void Moon on Thursday October 13th from 8:53pm to 6:47am (October 15th) (AEST)

Do menial tasks, focus on nourishing self-care and avoid making big decisions

Friday October 15 to Saturday October 16

The Waxing Gibbous Moon will be in the humanitarian and visionary sign of Aquarius. This is a very social Moon, where you might feel the need more than ever for freedom and independence.

Lunar Self Care for Aquarius

🌛 Get social and spend time in deep conversation with like-minded friends

🌛 Your inner rebel/rule breaker spirit could benefit from doing something that is a bit quirky and off-beat and step out of your comfort zone in some way

🌛 Take a social-media break for the weekend and disconnect with the online world as much as you can and so something fun and creative instead

🌛 Do something in or for your local community or speak out about a cause that you believe in with confidence

Journaling question:

How would it feel and what would it entail to have a good balance of structure and support and freedom and individual expression?

Essential oil:

​Lime- this oil is very uplifting and can help with encouraging a balance between the heart and the mind and instils hope and joy. Diffuse or apply over the chest.

Void Moon on FridayOctober 15 at 10:32pm until 12:21pm (October 16) AEST

Do menial tasks, focus on nourishing self-care and avoid making big decisions

Saturday October 16 to Monday October 18

The Waxing Gibbous Moon is in the sign of emotional Pisces. You may feel more sensitive, dreamy and creative. Tune into your intuition that may also be heightened and do things that allow you to express yourself creatively.  

Lunar Self-Care

🌛 Soothe your nervous system by spending time near a body of water or soak in the tub

🌛 Get a pedicure or a reflexology foot massage (Pisces rules the feet)

🌛 Use art as a form of therapy and draw, paint or craft to work though any difficult emotions or journal it all out

🌛 Listen to some music you enjoy and dance, tuning into the sensation in your body as a way to feel connected and balanced

Journaling question:

How can you communicate your needs and emotions in a way that feel good and is empowering?

Essential oil:

Clary Calm: this blend is amazing for helping to stabilise emotions and assists with releasing emotional tension. Apply on the wrists or roll over the sacral chakra (lower stomach).

I’d love for you to connect in circle with me and the other Moon Members on Thursday October 21st!

I will share with you more about the energies of the Aries Full Moon, where I will guide you through a meditation, provide you some journaling prompts and we will do a releasing ritual together. I will also pull a tarot card for everyone.

Come join us in the Moon Membership!

The Moon Membership is the perfect support for you to:

🌙 Harness the Moon’s energy for more alignment and flow

🌙 To have ore energy and focus to your days and weeks

🌙 To feel connected to yourself on a deeper level

🌙 To have less stress and overwhelm and better self-care

🌙 Understand the lunar energies and mood on a deeper level

🌙 Connect with high-vibing women in our lunar community

This membership is the best way to get support from me as you learn how to have a lunar-led life which is harmonious and energised.

Shift the way you nourish yourself and to strengthen your connection with the Moon and the lunar cycle!

This membership is the best way to get support from me as you learn how to have a lunar-led life which is harmonious and energised.

The Moon Membership gives you the opportunity to connect with other like-minded women, and gain access to all the resources you need to have a lunar-led life.

This membership is the best way to get support from me as you learn how to have a lunar-led life which is harmonious and energised.

Shift the way you nourish yourself and to strengthen your connection with the Moon and the lunar cycle!

The Moon Membership gives you the opportunity to connect with other like-minded women, and gain access to all the resources you need to have a lunar-led life.

When you become a Moon Member you will receive all this:

💙 Your spot in the Moon Membership, an exclusive membership for Moon Mavens, Lunar Lovers and any woman who is Moon curious and wanting to integrate the lunar cycle into their life
💙 A monthly masterclass on a lunar-related topic which includes a workbook and training video housed in our private member portal which you can watch on-demand
💙 2 x monthly Moon Circles on or around the New and Full Moon (these will be a virtual event, recorded and available to keep forever) and includes a full PDF guide to accompany the circle. Each Moon Circle Playbook includes guidance around the astrology of the particular Moon as well as journaling questions and specific rituals to practice
💙 PDFs of the morning and evening ritual pages from the My Unstoppable Life Journal
💙 A monthly lunar calendar with key dates including the times of void-of-course Moons to help you with your planning and tracking
💙 Other useful digital resources to support you in your lunar self-care housed in the library in our private member portal
💙 Access to a secret Facebook group to connect with the other women and where I will post weekly mini self-care challenges, daily lunar guidance, hacks for harnessing the weekly lunar energy, and other lunar and astrology tips to help you to align with your cyclical nature so that you can manage your energy and health in a sustainable way

Join now and get access to all the resources and be part of the next Full Moon Circle for the Aries Full Moon on October 21st.

Have you watched the free training about the Moon Phases and harnessing them for more alignment, energy and flow? You can join here!