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8 Ways to Celebrate the Summer Solstice

Solstice is a time when the seasons are shifting. Also known as Mid-Summer or Litha, the Summer Solstice marks the longest day and shortest night of the year. In the Southern Hemisphere, this is occurring today on December 21. Summer Solstice is a very yang and expansive time, when we can celebrate the Sun and warmth and powerful solar energy and all the strength and healing that the Sun brings to us on Earth. I love to Moon gaze but have always been a Sun worshipper too. Without the biggest star lighting our solar system we wouldn’t have life and nourishment as we know it and that makes the Sun definitely worthy of celebrating when its at its peak potency during Solstice. Here are some way to do just that.

Ways to Celebrate the Summer Solstice #summer #solstice #witch #rituals #midsummer #litha

Watch the Sunset or Sunrise

What better way is there to honour the Sun and to pause while basking in its light than by watching it either set or rise in the sky. You can also spend some time sitting in the direct sunlight enjoying the warmth of the rays on your skin giving you life force from the light. As you watch the Sun, set intentions for the coming months ahead. Solstice is taking place during a Waxing Moon, which is ideal for taking action and attracting abundance, energies which can be made even more powerful when harnessing the Sun’s abundance and power too.

Do a Fire Ritual

Traditionally, during Solstice or Litha, it’s time to perform a fire ritual. Fire helps to cleanse and protect and fire can be used for witchy spells and magic. On Solstice, make a safe fire- this could be as simple as lighting a candle (purple is best for Solstice!). Use the fire’s energy and stare into the flames while connecting with the Summer Solstice energy. Visualise the highest version of yourself an summon guidance and wisdom from the flames.

Connect with Nature

It is important to spend time in Nature to really connect with the Earth and Sun during this potent time.

Dance and Move your Body

Really celebrate and have fun by dancing (outside is ideal!) and shaking all the energy out of your body


Honour the shift in the season that Solstice marks by journaling to help get clear on what it is that lights you up. Jot down your thoughts about how you can ignite your inner fire and best harness the Sun energy to stoke your fire. What can you let go of and what release and note down any areas of your life that have already peaked. Plan out what it is that you really want to bring more of unto your life and explore what we are really passionate about and to set goals for making those desires happen in the months ahead.

Do a Tarot or Oracle Card Spread

Let the Sun energy guide you in a Solstice card spread.

  1. What is expanding in my life right now?

  2. What abundance and opportunities am I receiving?

  3. What areas can I grow and flourish?

  4. How should I best pursue my passions and shine my light?

  5. What message does the Sun have for me?

Rearrange Your Altar

Freshen up your altar so that you connect with the four elements of air, water, earth and fire. Collecting materials from nature such as flowers, shells, stones, sand and feathers to represent the elements and the abundance you have in your life and then arrange them on your altar as offerings of thanks and gratitude to the Sun.

Use Essential Oils

My Summer Solstice diffuser blend recommendation to help connect with the energy of celebration and fertility is to add 3 drops each of Wild Orange, Patchouli, Ylang-ylang and Peppermint. You can also use a few drops of the Elevation blend and inhale or apply to your root and sacral chakra points to connect with the solar energies.

Are you interested in learning more about honoring the natural cycles? Get onto the waiting list for the Moon Membership which will be opening its doors to new members in January 2021.