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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Week Commencing January 18, 2021

** All dates and times are Australian Eastern Standard

Along with the Moon continuing its Waxing phase this week, we see the Sun moving signs into Aquarius, marking the start to Aquarius Season. This means we should be feeling a collective feeling of momentum as well as an innovative energy. Aquarius season is exciting and will no doubt provide us with some eclectic situations. Make sure you manage your energy if you feel a surge in mental stimulation caused by the Sun moving into Aquarius.

Lunar Mood and Energy Forecast Week Commencing January 18, 2021 #lunar #moon #forecast #astrology #moonmagick #lunarselfcare #selfcare #moonology #witchy

Waxing Crescent Moon in Pisces

Looking to the Moon, to start the week, the Waxing Crescent Moon will be in Pisces until 1:45pm when the Moon starts a Void-of-course until 5:08pm. Then it will be transiting Aries until Wednesday night. As always, plan to use the Void Moon to take it easy and not start on anything new. It’s a good time to de-clutter or practice some of your Rest and Relaxations self-care pillar activities.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Picses #lunar #moon #pisces #astrology #moonology #lunarselfcare #moonmagick #selfcare #witchy

Waxing Crescent Moon in Aries

With the Waxing Moon in motivated and action-taking Aries it is a great time to get moving with those New Moon intentions. You will likely feel quite productive, more energised and in the mood to take action but be careful not to overdo it and be too impulsive and reckless. Now is perfect to start working on those action steps you mapped out for making your intentions happen. Use a combination of Lemon and Lime essential oils in the diffuser to really feel energised and renewed.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Aries #moon #lunar #aries #aiesoon #lunarselfcare #moonology #selfcare #witchy #moonmagick

First Quarter Moon in Taurus

There’s a Void Moon from 6:30pm on Wednesday until 5:01am on Thursday morning when there will be the First Quarter Moon in the sign of Earthy Taurus. The First Quarter Moon phase is when we should stay positive about initiating and taking action.

Be wary of limiting beliefs creeping in. If you feel doubts about your ability to bring your intentions to life, break down the tasks so you don’t feel overwhelmed and be realistic about what you can accomplish. Making a Three Most Important (TMI) list is a good way to stay focussed which could be especially important on Thursday, when  fast moving Mars will meet Uranus the sign of freedom and change, which could bring a fiery tension- so beware of your emotions and interactions with others!

Mars and Uranus Conjunct in Taurus | Jupiter and Saturn Square the Moon

Thursday could be quite a doozy of a day- as there will be some other powerful astro energies which we will likely feel too. As well as the Moon joining Mars and Uranus in Taurus, it will also square with Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius which could cause friction or scattered energies. Don’t forget to take a deep breathe if things get intense, say the mantra “this too shall pass” and know that there is always a lesson to learn and there could be some innovative new insights too if you remain open to receiving things during this period. The yoga collection oils Align and Anchor would be good to inhale or apply to help keep any big emotions at bay.

First Quarter Moon in Taurus #moon #lunar #taurus #moonmagick #moonology #selfcare #lunarselfcare #witchy #firstquartermoon

If you’re able to harness the laid-back Taurus energy then this will helpful during the second part of this week. With the start to Aquarius season likely inspiring us and helping us to see things from new perspectives, the Taurus Moon can be grounding. Take time to be in nature or do outdoors activities, and nourish your body. Impeccable self-care is always well received when the Moon is in Taurus, so eat well, avoid toxins and get plenty of rest. Taurus governs money and finances so it could be helpful to do your book-keeping or budgeting. Reach for the Balance and Adaptiv oil blends to stay relaxed and to minimise stress.

 Void Moon

On Saturday there is a long Void Moon for over ten hours for most of the day from 7:28am until 5:43 pm. Again, this is a great time to de-clutter, clean and tidy, do admin work, meet with good friends or family where there is no particular agenda, and to rest and relax. The Peace and Lavender Peace oil blends would be my recommendation to really harness these restful energies.

 Waxing Gibbous Moon in Gemini

On Sunday the Waxing Gibbous Moon will be in social and fun Gemini. You might be feeling a bit restless after the long Void Moon on Saturday, so harness the Gemini urge to catch up with friends, do some networking and have some fun.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Gemini #waxinggibbous #gemini #moon #lunar #lunarselfcare #selfcare #moonology #moonmagick #witchy

This is a good time to collaborate with others or to do any kind of communication. In your business, you may want to spend time on scheduling your social media, catching up on your emails or doing writing. It’s also a good time to study or learn new things, to research or do anything that stimulates your intellect. Rosemary and Lemon Myrtle are great oils for focus and knowledge if you need some extra support on Sunday.

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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast for Week Commencing January 18, 2021 #lunar #moon #astrology #forecast #mood #energy #cosmicwisdom #moonmagick #moonology

Learn more about how to align with the Moon and to integrate lunar self-care into your day in the Moon Membership.

Watch this full forecast on my IGTV below: