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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Week Commencing January 4, 2021

Welcome to the first lunar forecast for 2021! I hope that you are excited about the new year ahead. I know that I am feeling refreshed after having plenty of quality time with my family, as well as sunshine and nature.

It’s ok if you haven’t set any big goals or intentions for the year ahead yet- I always like to grow into the energy, and prefer an over-arching feeling or words to flavour what I want to be, do, have and feel in the year. Sometimes this takes me up until the first Full Moon of the year to really settle on!

The Moon is also in its waning phase this week, which means our energy levels are going to be lower, so be gentle with yourself. The astrology this week might have some of us feeling things quite intensely with there being some major planetary transits.

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast for Week Commmencing January 4, 2021  #lunar #moon #mood #energy #forecast#asrology #moonmagick #witchcraft #selfcare #lunarselfcare

Waning Gibbous Moon in Virgo

To kick off this first full week of 2021, we have a Waning Gibbous Moon in the earth sign of organised and practical Virgo. This is a great Moon to start the year and week in. A Waning Gibbous Moon is perfect for de-cluttering and with the support of the Virgo Moon with all its practicality it means we can focus on re-organising and solving problems which will stop things from getting over-complicated and allow us to make space physically as well as mentally for the rest of this lunar cycle.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Virgo #waninggibbous #moon #virgo #lunar #lunarselfcare #selfcare #moonmagick #witchcraft #lunarwitch #cyprus

A Virgo Moon helps us to plan, edit, and delegate, while also paying attention to how we are looking after and feeling in our physical body. This makes Monday and Tuesday a good time to engage in activities that involve helping others, streamlining your work activities, and doing anything that requires attention to detail. Use the oil Cypress as a way to trust in the flow of life and for support of the heart and mind so that you can clear any stagnation from this recent period of slowing down at the end of 2020 and allow things to flow.

Void-of-course Moon and Waning Gibbous Moon in Libra

On Tuesday the Moon will be void-of-course from 7:34am until 3:42pm when it will then transit into the harmonious air sign of Libra. While the Moon is Void-of-course, don’t start anything new and stick to more menial tasks. Then keep being gentle with yourself and enjoy some self-care to harness the Libra Moon energy- get a facial or a massage or do an at-home spa, enjoy being in your sacred space or go somewhere peaceful and quiet in nature, and indulge a little.  

Waning Gibbous Moon in Libra #waninggibbous #moon #lunar #libra #moonmagick #lunarwitch #balance #peace #harmony #beauty #selfcare #lunarselfcare

Doing legs up the wall can also be really great way to relax the lower back which is ruled by Libra. Use the Balance blend to help with keeping your emotions in-check and for strengthening your connection with the lower body also.

Third Quarter Moon in Libra

On Wednesday the Libra Moon will be in it’s Third Quarter phase which is a great time for doing release work and letting go. If you have any lingering feelings from 2020 that you need to let go of or to forgive in order to move forward then this is a good time to do so. Check in to see how your intention setting from the Sagittarius New Moon is progressing. A Libra Moon loves beauty and balance, so take time to de-clutter your working space, or redecorate your bedroom in some way to evoke these feelings.

Third Quarter Moon in Libra #thirdquartermoon #libra #moon #lunar #moonmagick #lunarwitch #hinoki #lunarselfcare #selfcare

Libra also wants there to be harmony and peace in our relationships, so reassess your friendships and partnerships and put more boundaries in place or work out ways to resolve any issues that are causing disharmony. This is a great time to connect with your partner or spouse for a romantic and intimate date, or go to a beautiful place and enjoy it with someone who you care about.

You may find that you need to harness the Libran Moon’s love of diplomacy to counter Mercury being in Capricorn conjunct with Pluto. The essential oil Hinoki would be a good choice to inhale or apply to the temples, back of the neck and spine as a way to bring more order, harmony and balance into your life.

Waning Crescent Moon in Scorpio

On Thursday evening, the Waning Crescent Moon will move into deep and intense water sign Scorpio. If you didn’t connect with your partner while the Moon was in Libra, you can further work on your relationships self-care pillar on Thursday to ignite sexual energy to best harness the Scorpio Moon vibe.

Waning Crescent Moon in Scorpio #waningcrescent #moon #lunar #scorpio #lunarselfcare #selfcare #moonmagick #lunarwitch

With the Scorpio Moon you might feel the need to evolve or transform an aspect of your life that has been making you feel stuck.  Do what you need to step out of your comfort zone and focus on the things that you most desire, letting go of what doesn’t serve you. The blend Salubelle is a wonderful choice of oil for spiritual growth and can help with release work so that it is easier to let go of any pain.

Void of course Moon and Waning Crescent Moon in Sagittarius

On Saturday , the Moon will be void-of-course from 11:5am until 9:15pm and then it will be in adventurous and inspirational Sagittarius. This is a good opportunity to take it easy on Saturday- clean your home, avoid making any big decisions or starting on new projects. Then live it up a little on Saturday night and on Sunday to best harness the Sag Moon.

Waning Crescent Moon in Sagittarius #waningcrescent #moon #lunar #sagittarius #moonmagick #lunar #moon #lunarwitch #selfcare #lunarelfcare

Go on an adventure or start learning something new or make plans to put any learning goals you set on the new year into motion. Tap into what is true and authentic for you. Use Rosemary essential oil in the diffuser or apply a few drops to the back of your neck, forehead and ears, to help with any soul searching and truth finding that this Sagittarius Moon might  encourage you to explore.

Join the FREE Lunar Self-Care Challenge

If you love these forecasts and want to learn more about how to harness the Moon and integrate lunar self-care practices into your life, then join me for the free Lunar Self-Care Challenge which will start on Thursday January 7, 2021

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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast Summary Week Commencing January 4, 2020 #lunar #mood #energy #moon #forecast #lunarselfcare #selfcare

Watch the full forecast on my IGTV: