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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Week Commencing February 1, 2021

**All dates and times in AEST

It’s a new week and a new month! It’s hard to believe we are in February already! Today also marks the cross-quarter festivals of Imbolc for friends in the Northern Hemisphere and Lammas for people in the Southern Hemisphere like me. The Moon is now in it’s waning phase so things should feel less intense than the previous week before the very big Leo Full Moon. Don’t forget that Mercury is now in retrograde until February 21, so this also makes now a good period for rest and reflection and make sure you check all travel plans and to back up everything if you haven’t already! This week we also see Venus move into the sign of Aquarius which could see some interesting and unexpected shifts happening.  So now let’s see what the lunar weather has in store for us this week.

Weekly Lunar Mood and Energy Forecast for Week Commencing February 1, 2021  #lunar #moon #astrology #forecast#moonology #moonmagick #lunarselfare

Waning Gibbous Moon in Virgo

The Moon will be in practical and organised Virgo until 10:10pm tonight. This is a great sign for the Moon to be in at the start of a new week and a new month, as we can harness the analytical Virgo vibes to get organised, make plans and start new healthy habits. There will be an energy of efficiency but be careful not to get too self-critical and don’t let your inner perfectionist become too strong.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Virgo #waninggibbous #virgo #moon #lunar #moonology #moonmagick #lunarselfcare #selfare #witchy

With Virgo’s influence making us want to be of service, also be mindful of your boundaries and don’t over-extend yourself, especially as the Moon is now waning and your energy levels will be starting to recede.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Libra

On Tuesday the Waning Gibbous Moon will be in harmony and peace-seeking Libra. The focus at this time should be on balance and making sure your emotions are in-check. Libra Moons can be difficult times for making decisions and things could feel a bit uncertain, but you will get comfort from your relationships with your loved ones which should feel closer.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Libra #waninggibbous #moon #libra #lunar #moonmagick #moonnology #witchy #lunarselfcare #selfcare #astrology

You will also enjoy the beauty that surrounds you, so be sure to spend time out in nature to help to ground the airy Libran energies. It’s also a good time go to the spa and beautiful yourself or to go shopping for new home decors to spruce up your living space. The grounding and stabilising essential oil Patchouli would be good to diffuse during this Libra Moon.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Scorpio

On Thursday, the Waning Gibbous Moon will be transiting passionate and intense Scorpio. This will be a good period for focusing on your romantic relationships and to also tap into your intuition to explore and understand more about yourself and the people in your life. This is a powerful time to do shadow work, especially with the Mercury Rx influence.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Scorpio #waninggibbous #moon #scorpio #lunar  #moonmagick #moonology #lunarselfcare #selfcare #witchyvibes

Make the most of both the waning Moon and Scorpio energy to let go of things that are no longer serving you and open-up space for new things. You might also find that you are able to problem solve solutions to complicated things and see things from new perspectives or to do negotiations. The essential oil Clary Sage can help to give you the courage to seek the truth to stay open to changing your perspective.

Third Quarter Moon in Scorpio

On Friday is the Third Quarter Moon in Scorpio, a time when it’s great to let go of negative energies and habits. With Scorpio being the sign of transformation, this is perfect for uncovering what it is that is causing you pain and holding you back from doing what means the most to you, so that you can make a plan to transform those beliefs.

Third Quarter Moon in Scorpio #thirdquartermoon #scorpio #moon #lunar #moonology #moonmagick #lunarselfcare #witchyvibes

Take the time to do some journaling and to reflect on this Third Quarter Moon. Redirect and recommit to things in your life to get moving in the right direction again. Use Helichrysum to help with facing any difficult emotions with courage and to support spiritual healing and transformation on this Moon.

Waning Crescent Moon in Sagittarius

On Saturday the mood and energy will shift gears when the Waning Crescent Moon will transit adventurous and optimistic Sagittarius. You may have the desire to travel or go on an adventure- plan a trip away if it’s not actually possible to take off anywhere. There will be an energy of playfulness and fun, making it a good time to connect with friends or to turn strangers into friends to learn from.

Waning Crescent Moon in Sagittarius #waningcrescent #sagittarius #moon #lunar #moonology #moonmagick #lunarselfcare #wiitchyvibes

Sag Moons can feel very expansive, so get outdoors into nature to feel free and to explore. Citrus Bliss would be a great oil blend to use to get motivated and to see the magic that surrounds you while harnessing the Sagittarian playfulness.

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast Summary of Lunar Self-Care for Week Commencing February 1 ##moon #lunar #moonmagick #moonology #lunarselfcare

Watch the full forecast in my IGTV below: