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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Week Commencing February 22, 2021

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast for Week Commencing February 22

**All dates and times are AEST

This week sees us now fully into Pisces Season, and while Mercury is now stationed direct again in Aquarius, there will still be a strong Mercury energy affecting us with it being I close conjunction to Jupiter. The Mercury Square with Uranus and Mars in Taurus also continues, meaning that changes in the way you communicate could be afoot. With Mercury still in its retrograde shadow phase, it is a good time to reflect on what came up for you during the retrograde period. Energy will be continuing to increase as the Moon continues to wax, but we will be getting treated to a few long Void-of-Course Moon periods to remind us to slow down and to embrace the Pisces Sun vibes.

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast for Week Commencing February 22, 2021 #lunar #moon #astrology #forecast #moonmagick #lunarselfcare #selfcare #moonjournal #lunarwitch #moonology

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Cancer

The week actually starts with the Waxing Gibbous Moon in a Void period from 4:40am to 1:53pm. So this morning it’s best to avoid making big decisions and to get onto more menial tasks to kick things off until the Moon is stationed in dreamy Cancer in the afternoon.

A Waxing Gibbous Moon in Cancer could mean an emotional time. Cancer is the Moon’s home sign, and will put the spotlight onto how you truly feel and what it is that you want from life, so that your goals feel aligned. Expect your mood to be a bit up and down for the two days the Moon is here, acknowledge these big emotions bubbling to the surface and be gentle with yourself for anything that comes up. Also be mindful of how you interact with your loved ones. Cancer Moons are great time to connect with your spouse, to talk openly with them, and to spend time at home being a bit more of a homebody than usual.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Cancer #cancermoon #waxinggibbous #lunar #moon #astrology #forecast #moonmagick #lunarselfcare #selfcare #moonjournal #lunarwitch #moonology

Cook up some comfort foods to share with your family or good friends. In this Waxing Gibbous phase it is also a good time to reflect on how your intentions for the lunar cycle are going and acknowledge what is going well for you. You could diffuse some Easy Air in your living space- whilst this is a respiratory blend, it also helps to release any negative emotions and for everyone to feel safe and cared for.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Leo

The Waxing Gibbous Moon will be void again on Wednesday from 2:54pm to 10:23pm- the usual Void Moon advice applies for this 7.5 hour period. The Moon will then be transiting extroverted Leo until Friday. The energy at this time will be that of wanting to go out, get social, play with friends or even go to a party.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Leo #leo #waxinggibbous #lunar #moon #astrology #forecast #moonmagick #lunarselfcare #selfcare #moonjournal #lunarwitch #moonology

Leo Moons bring a generous and showy energy, and it will be hard to focus on getting serious work done. Harness the artistic potential that a Leo Moon brings to get creative. I love using the Cheer blend on Leo Moons because it brings such an uplifting and joyful vibe.

Full Moon in Virgo

On Friday the almost-Full Moon will have has another long Void period from 9:32pm until 3:08am on Saturday when it will then be stationed in Virgo. The Full Moon energy will be strong on Saturday, with the Virgo Full Moon being exact at 6:17pm. Our emotions, intuition and creativity will be at their peak. Also get ready to put your analyser hat on, to focus on the details in your life and to prepare to get organised. This will be the perfect time to declutter and to clean your house but be wary of being too perfectionistic. Logic will reign supreme so it will be easy to stay focused. 

Full Moon in Virgo #fullmoon #virgo #fullmoonvibes #mooncircle #moonritual #lunar #moon #astrology #forecast #moonmagick #lunarselfcare #selfcare #moonjournal #lunarwitch #moonology

With this Full Moon expect to feel the pull of the dual energise of both the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Virgo. Pisces is creative and dreamy and intuitive wile Virgo is analytical, organised and perfectionist. This Full Moon will highlight our creative side and how we express ourselves creatively or where we could bring in more creative flow. It will ask us to let go of control and perfection and to tap into your intuitive nature.

Full Moon in Virgo #fullmoon #virgo #diffuser #roollerball #essentialoillblend #fullmoonblend #doterra #lunar #moon #astrology #forecast #moonmagick #lunarselfcare #selfcare #moonjournal #lunarwitch #moonology

The Full Moon is when we release what is no longer serving us and to practice gratitude for all that we have. Doing the Full Moon Mapping ritual in your My Unstoppable Life Journal will help you to make shifts start to take place. Look at where you are striving for too much perfection and what need to let go of to come feel and to be more creative and aligned. With Virgo ruling the body and health it is important to keep balanced physically and mentally and to not be overly critical. Make this oil blend into a roller to apply to your body or to diffuse: Grapefruit (for physical body support), Peppermint (for mental acuity), Patchouli (to soothe the mind), Chamomile (to release emotional tension), Clary Sage (to clear blocked creativity).

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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast Summary for Week Commencing February 22, 2021 #lunar #moon #astrology #moonmagick #lunarwitch #lunarelfcare #moonology #selfcare

I will be running a live Full Moon Releasing Ceremony for members of the Moon Membership- come join us and to find out more about this Full Moon and received guidance and support as you navigate these big energies.

Watch the full forecast on my IGTV below: