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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Week Commencing March 15, 2021

 *dates and times are in AEST

I hope that you had a beautiful New Moon over the weekend and set some powerful intentions. With the Moon now commencing its waxing phase, we will start to feel an increase in our energy, which is perfect for a week that is commencing with the Moon in go-getting Aries. We have Mercury moving from Aquarius to Pisces today as well, so you may start to express things that you are feeling and experiencing ethereally more clearly and to have a more open mind while this thinking planet is in Pisces.

This weekend will be Equinox (Ostara / Spring Equinox for the northern hemisphere and Mabon / Autumn Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere). You might like to observe this time of equal day and night by doing rituals that balance the light and dark and help to bring more balance into your life- give thanks with a gratitude list and do a deep clean of your home or tidy up your garden or prune your plants. This Saturday also marks the start to Aries Season and the beginning of a new astrological year. 

Now let’s look at what we can expect from the lunar energies specifically this week.

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast  for Week Commencing March 15, 2021 #lunar#moon #mood #moonphase #moonology #moonmagick

Waxing Crescent Moon in Aries

The week kicks-off with the Waxing Crescent Moon in action-oriented Aries. This Moon phase will likely have us wanting to get stuck into putting those New Moon intentions into action. The beginning of a new week and new lunation marks a good time to be open to opportunities and work on things that you are feeling passionate about, or to even start a new challenge.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Aries #moon #lunar #aries #lunarselfcare #selfcare #moonology #moonmagick #witch #moonjournal

This is a good time to step into a leadership role in your work or business or even in your home and family life. An Aries Moon can mean you might want to work quickly and decisively and you could feel impatient at times. Be wary of being too impulsive, and if you have pent-up energy you can do some high energy cardio exercise to move it through your body.  You can work with the Balance essential oil blend if you’re feeling over-stimulated and overactive on this Aries Moon.

Void-of-course Moon

On Tuesday afternoon from 1:40pm AEST until 8:56pm, the Moon will be Void as it transits into practical and earthy Taurus. Void Moons are best for taking a breather, to avoid making big decisions or starting on anything new as its unlikely they will be seen through to completion. Focus on more menial admin tasks during this Void period.

Void Moon Self-Care Checkout #voidmoon #voidofourse #lunarselfcare #selfcare #moonmagick #moonology

Waxing Crescent Moon in Taurus

On Wednesday the Waxing Moon energy will have us wanting to follow through on what was started the previous two days. The hard-working Taurus Moon mood will shift from the action-focused Aries to a more subdued and calm Taurean vibe. Keep working on those projects that you started the past two days and harness the Taurean diligence and Waxing Crescent Moon increase in energy to see a project or two through to completion. Be wary of changing your plans because Taurus prefers stability and routines. Taurus also loves nourishing and nurturing self-care, so take some time to get cosy and enjoy some nourishing comfort foods.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Taurus #waxingcrescent #moon #lunar #taurus #moonmagick #moonology #witchy #lunarselfcare #selfcare

You may find you have a money focus or the desire to go shopping, so this could be a good time to buy groceries or things you really need rather than luxury items that you don’t. Also work on your household budget and in your business it could be good to do your book-keeping. When the Moon is in Taurus I Iove to diffuse and apply Patchouli for its earthy, stabilising qualities.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Gemini

On Friday the Moon will be Void from 6:39am until 9:46am and it will then be stationed in cheerful and communicative Gemini. You will want to get social either face-to-face or through your social media. Share useful information with your community or tap into the Gemini intellectual vibe to get started on a course you have been meaning to learn. Don’t worry if you’re feeling scattered, this is usual for a Gemini Moon, and luckily it will soon be the weekend where you can hopefully get a chance to enjoy the positive energy to meet up with friends rather than working really hard to finish things.

Make the most of the Gemini love for getting social to take time on Saturday and Sunday to meet up with friends or to attend an event where you can learn something new.  You might have a desire to know all the news or to have a good gossip and could get bored if you aren’t on-the-go keeping busy on the things you want to get done. If you find your attention span is short and you are feeling scattered then use the essential oil blend In-Tune to help be more connected in the present moment.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Gemini #waxingcrescent #moon #lunar #gemini #moonology #moonmagick #lunarselfcare #selfcare

The whole weekend will likely feel quite happy, positive and high energy and you could even have some good luck and fortune come your way. Do take some time for self-care on Sunday, especially if you are getting carried away in the waxing Gemini Moon energy and things are feeling a bit chaotic. Take time to organise and plan for the next week ahead. Be mindful that the Moon will transit to emotional Cancer on Sunday night at 10pm so be prepared to come down from the high energy and sociability of the weekend with the new week having you feel a little vulnerable and introverted and wanting to be at home with your loved ones.

Lunar Self-Care Summary for Week Commencing March 15, 2021 #lunarselfcare #moon #lunar  #moonology #moonmagick

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Watch the full forecast on my IGTV below: