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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Week Commencing April 12, 2021

*all dates and times are AEST

Happy New Moon! The New Moon is Aries is exact today at 12:30pm AEST. This is a potent New Moon, the first of the astrological year, and marks a time of completion and rebirth. Your intentions set on this New Moon are flavoured by Aries courage and pioneering spirit. Aries can be impatient and impulsive, acting first and thinking later. With the Moon in Aries, we might feel the need to be independent and could find that we feel more assertive, fiery and passionate than usual.

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast Week Commencing April 12, 2021 #lunar #moon #moonology #moonmagick #lunarwitch #selfcare #lunarselfcare

New Moon in Aries

With this being the first New Moon of the astrological year, it’s the perfect time to embrace these initiatory energies to pursue our passions and to take on life with a warrior spirit. We have the opportunity now to start fresh and, to release the old into the Aries fire, and to embrace a new version of ourselves. This is a time to honour your sovereignty and to start fresh and experience a new beginning as we move into the second quarter of the year.

You might also find that you feel motivated, energised while at the same time there could be a sense of impatience and frustration that things aren't moving forward quickly enough. Be mindful not to become reckless or ruthless while pursuing goals and new directions.

New Moon in Aries Journaling Prompts for Intention Setting #aries #newmoon #intentionsetting #journaling #lunar #moon #moonology #moonmagick #lunarwitch #selfcare #lunarselfcare

This New Moon sees 5 luminaries in the sign of Aries- Venus which is in almost exactly the same position as the Moon, Chiron as well as the Sun. If there are any feelings of stagnancy in your life, especially when it comes to abundance and love, then these should be cleared with the combined energies of these planets all in fiery Aries.

This combination of planets in this Aries alignment could also make it hard to find clarity and there could be struggles with limiting beliefs, so watch your mindset! If you feel restless from pent-up Aries energy, be sure to get active and sweat it out.

Look deeply into what your deepest desires and aspirations are and own these so that you pursue them with passion and confidence. Do you intention setting today and your New Moon Mapping in your My Unstoppable Life Journal. In your diffuser add a few drops each of Geranium, Clary Sage, Peppermint and Patchouli.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Taurus

At 10:06pm until 3:43am on Tuesday morning, the Moon will go Void before it transits earthy and practical Taurus. This Moon is perfect for harnessing both the waxing Moon energy and the patience and diligence of Taurus to start taking action on those New Moon intentions.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Taurus #waxingcrescent #moon #lunar #taurus #moonology #moonmagick #selfcare #lunarselfcare #lunarwitch #moonmagick

Don’t make any huge, major changes because Taurus Mons prefer stability but do start to take steps towards working on the things you want to call in. Taurus also loves self-care so take some time to nurture yourself and do some nourishing, relaxing physical self-care. Taurus Moons are also a good time to look at your budget and finances, so this could be good to catch up on your book-keeping in your biz or map out your family budget. I away think of Taurus Moons as going well with using the oil Patchouli for it’s earthy and grounding energy.

Void-of-course Moon

On Thursday we have a long Void Moon from 9:59am until 4:34pm. On the Void Moon time it is best to relax and rest, don’t tart on anything new and work on menial tasks that don’t require making big decisions. This is a great time to focus on your lunar self-care.

Self Care during Void-of-course Moons #voidmoon #lunar #moon #moonology #moonmagick #lunarwitch #selfcare #lunarselfcare

Waxing Crescent Moon in Gemini

In the early evening on Thursday the Moon will transit sociable and extroverted  Gemini. There is no better time than a Gemini Moon to get together with friends and for a good chat. You will feel most content when you are having fun connecting with friends and communicating Gemini Moons also encourage us to use out intellect to learn something new or to study. If you have the chance to get together with friends to learn something then this is ideal.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Gemini #waxingcrescent #moon #lunar #gemini #moonology #moonmagick #selfcare #lunarselfcare #lunarwitch #moonmagick

You could find you get a bit scattered in your energy and as your energy levels increase with the waxing crescent Moon it is good to keep busy but don’t expect to complete any projects at this time. A combo of Lavender and Spearmint will help with confident in clear communication and thoughts.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Cancer

On Sunday the Moon will be Void in the early morning from 1:02am until 5:25am so when you wake up on Self-Care Sunday the Moon will already be stationed on emotional Cancer. This is when your inner homebody will be strong and you will likely want to just hang out with your family or close friends.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Cancer #waxingcrescent #moon #lunar #cancer #moonology #moonmagick #selfcare #lunarselfcare #lunarwitch #moonmagick

It is a great time to get nostalgic, or to prepare comfort foods to share from the cosy comfort of home. Nourish others but also don’t forget to mother yourself and be mindful of any heavy emotions that could come up.  Geranium oil diffused or applied over the heart centre can help to nurture and balance big emotions.

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast for Week Commencing April 12, 2021 #lunar #moon #moonphase #lunarselfcare #selfcare #moonology #moonmagick

If you want to learn more about the Moon Phases you are invited to join my free on-demand workshop: How to Harness the Moon for More Energy, Alignment and Flow in Your Biz and Life. Click the image below to register!

Watch the full forecast on my IGTV below: