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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Week Commencing 14 June, 2021

*all dates and times are AEST

This week should feel very expansive, with the Waxing Moon energy spurring us into action to focus on what is needed for bringing your New Moon intentions into your life. This week we also have Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius in a Square aspect to Uranus in Taurus. This could mean making some big changes to your life, so be ready for that desire for transformation to hit. Later in the week, Jupiter goes retrograde in Aquarius, a transit that is calling for you to look at how you have grown since the last time Jupiter was in Aquarius at the beginning of this year. Then to close out the week we have the Sun moving into Cancer, marking the start to Cancer Season, and it’s also Solstice marking mid-winter or mid-summer depending on your hemisphere,  when you will have your longest day or shortest day of the year.

Weekly Mood and Energy Forecast for Week Commencing June 14,2021 #lunar #moon #moonology #moonmagick #lunarwitch #lunarselfcare #selfcare

 Waxing Crescent Moon in Leo

Now looking to the Moon and the lunar mood and energy or this week, we kick- off the week with the Waxing Crescent Moon in outgoing and playful Leo. The mood  of Leo may have you wanting to go out, get social, play with friends or even go to a party. Leo Moons bring a generous and showy mood, and it will be hard to focus on getting serious work done.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Leo Mood and Energy #leo #leomoon #lunar #moon #astrology #moonology #moonmagick #lunarwitch #lunarselfcare #selfcare

Harness the artistic potential that a Leo Moon brings to get creative. I love using the Cheer blend on Leo Moons because it brings such an uplifting and joyful vibe. Leo helps us to tap into our inner child- dance, play, see the magic that surrounds you and express yourselves freely and confidently. Use the Leo Moon energy of expansion and lion-esque courage so that you can feel brave and courageous in making all your big lunar intentions actually happen.

 Void-of-course Moon

On Wednesday the Moon will have a long Void-of-course from 3:27am until 1:01pm.During this time, it’s best to avoid making big decisions, having meetings or important discussions or to start on anything new, because they will likely not come to fruition if started during the Void Moon time. Instead use this as excuse to practice some nourishing self-care until the Moon is stationed in organised Virgo.

 Waxing Crescent Moon in Virgo

With the Waxing Crescent Moon in Virgo until Friday, this presents a good time to do things that require your attention to detail, and to do a good de-clutter or tidy-up of your physical and digital spaces. It’s also a good time to look at your routine- are there any areas of your life where your structures and daily routines can be re-assessed and done more efficiently or that you can add into your daily life to be healthier?

Waxing Crescent Moon in Virgo #virgo #virgomoon #lunar #moon #astrology #moonology #moonmagick #lunarwitch #lunarselfcare #selfcare

Harness the Waxing Moon energy to get things done, but be careful not to get too self-critical and don’t let your inner perfectionist become too strong. If you find yourself over-analysing then use the essential oil Wild Orange to help with letting go. With Virgo’s influence making us want to be of service, also be mindful of your boundaries.

 Void Moon

On Friday the  Moon will be Void from 1:54pm until 6:53pm- again it’s best to avoid starting anything new and to make any big decisions- stick to menial tasks to be on the safe side.

 First Quarter Moon in Virgo

Friday marks the First Quarter Moon phase which is where you may start to feel some doubts, or you may be tempted to try and do too much because you feel energised but end up over-extending yourself or making unrealistic to-do lists that will only stress you out. Harness the Libra mood of harmony and balance. The focus at this time should be on balance and making sure your emotions are in-check. Libra Moons can be difficult times for making decisions and things could feel a bit uncertain, but you will get comfort from your relationships with your loved ones who you should feel closer to.

First Quarter Moon #frstquartermoon #firstqurter #lunar #moon #astrology #moonology #moonmagick #lunarwitch #lunarselfcare #selfcare

You will also enjoy the beauty that surrounds you, so be sure to spend time out in nature to help to ground the airy Libran energies. It’s also a good time go to the spa and beautify yourself get a facial or a massage or do an at-home spa, enjoy being in your sacred space or go somewhere peaceful and quiet in nature, and indulge a little. Doing legs up the wall can also be really great way to relax the lower back which is ruled by Libra. The oil Hinoki would be a good choice to inhale or apply to the temples, back of the neck and spine as a way to bring more order, harmony and balance into your life.

 Waxing Gibbous Moon in Scorpio

The Waxing Gibbous Moon will be Void on Sunday night from 8:51pm until 9:57pm when it will then move into intense and emotional Scorpio. Diffuse some of the Passion blend in your room on Sunday night to evoke the Scorpio mood ; -)

Learn more about how to harness the energy and mood of the lunar cycle in the Moon Membership. join here:

Watch the full forecast on my IGTV below: