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Lunar Mood and Energy Forecast

Week Commencing May 4th, 2020

We start the week with the beautiful moon in the waxing gibbous phase. On Monday, the moon will be Void of Course for several hours, which is what happens when the moon changes signs. These can be beautiful moments, a good chance to take pause, to surrender or to get busy without any particular sign influencing the moon’s energy.

Lunar Mood and Energy Forecast May 4, 2020

Waxing Gibbous in Libra

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Libra

By the end of Monday the moon will have moved into the sign of Libra. The waxing gibbous phase is a great time to get focused and keep momentum flowing as you work towards completing tasks or projects or making any necessary adjustments to make your intentions a reality. Combined with the influence of Libra, the sign of balance and harmony, this could be a good time to work on your relationships or business partnerships. Where could you change course in these so that you can work together to reach your shared goals and dreams?

Full moon in Scorpio

Full Moon in Scorpio

On Wednesday the moon will move into Scorpio and on Thursday there will be the Scorpio Full Moon. The full moon is potent always a time to release and let go of any negativity. A Scorpio full moon can be very intense and will present a powerful opportunity to bring about transformation.

A Scorpio moon invites you to look at your deepest, darkest fears and worries and to let go of any secrets you may be holding on to. Scorpio will make us look to our shadow side and brings us a chance to look at any negative feelings you have harbouring so you can then release these on the Scorpio full moon.

Be prepared to feel all the intense feelings- then let them go. I recommend using your My Unstoppable Life Journal to complete the Full Moon Mapping Ritual. Note down what stories or past hurts you want to release and any hidden needs and desires you want to let go of. This is also a great time to celebrate the darker, hidden parts of yourself, to accept all parts of you and celebrate your uniqueness. Look also at how you can better nourish your mind, body and soul whilst still in the self-care loving Taurus sun season.

Full Moon in Scorpio May 2020

If you can join in circle online for the full moon, this is always a wonderful opportunity to work out the things you want and don’t want to and to find the answers you have been seeking. I always recommend a moon bath on the full moon, and take this time to meditate and tap into your intuition.

Waning Gibbous in Sagittarius

Waning Gibbous in Sagittarius

The moon moves into Sagittarius on Friday and for the weekend we will be blessed with a waning gibbous moon. A waning gibbous moon is usually a light-hearted time where we can seek out pleasure. The influence of Sagittarius will mean we are drawn to spend time outside if it’s possible to, and to do things that light us up on a soul level. Sagittarius loves adventure and opportunities for growth. Can you use your imagination to take you to new places once the COVID-19 restrictions have lifted? Plan your post-coronavirus holiday or simply try something new that you have always wanted to get your creative juices flowing.

For the full video forecast watch below: