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Lunar Mood and Energy Forecast

Week Commencing September 7, 2020

With the Moon in it’s waning phase in some of it’s favourite signs to be, this week is about nourishment and going slow. Let’s take a closer look at what we can expect!

Lunar Mood and Energy Forecast Week Commencing September 7, 2020 #lunar #moon #lunarselfcare #moonmagick

Waning Gibbous Moon in Taurus

We start the week with the Waning Gibbous Moon in Taurus, where it is exalted. With the Moon in Taurus along with the waning phase combination, the energy oozes with self-care of the traditional variety. Think all things indulgence, luxury and comfort and all the good things in life- food, drink, nature.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Taurus #lunar #moon #lunarselfcare #patchouli #lunarvibes #moonmagick #taurus

Create a sacred space in your home where you can rest and relax in peace and quiet. Move your body in more grounded ways such as going for a long walk in nature or doing Yin yoga. Make the most of Virgo season to start new healthy habits, and harness this Taurus Moon energy to eat well, minimise toxin exposure and getting plenty of rest. My recommended essential oil of choice for the start of this week is one of my old favourites Patchouli.

Third Quarter Moon in Gemini

On Wednesday the Moon changes signs to sociable Gemini and on Thursday the Moon shifts into its Third Quarter phase. This period of the lunar cycle is all about slowing down, doing any final release work to follow up from the Pisces Full Moon last week and to work on balancing your energy particularly when it comes to who and how much you are spending your free time with.  

Third Quarter Moon in Gemini #thirdquarter #waningmoon #moon #lunar #gemini #lunarselfcare #moonmagick

With the Moon here in Gemini, you can expect to be in problem solving mode and to get fixated on finding solutions and focusing on the details of things in your life. Don’t start anything new at this phase- we probably won’t feel motivated to do so anyway with Mars going retrograde in Aries at this time. Harness the Gemini intellectual vibes to re-evaluate and organise, to study or learn new things and to whatever is fun and playful. Keep up your decluttering and this would be a good time to work on things that require more attention o detail such as editing and proof reading your blog or other written texts. Use Ylang-Ylang oil to encourage play and Rosemary essential oil for invoking knowledge.

Waning Crescent Moon in Cancer

On Friday the Moon moves into emotional and nurturing Cancer. The Waning Crescent Moon will stay in Cancer through to the end of the weekend. This makes this weekend the perfect time to spend time at home and to enjoy quality family time to harness the need for Cancer to find, seek and give emotional security. Get into the kitchen and cook up your favourite comfort foods to share and enjoy.

Waning Crescent Moon in Cancer #waningmoon #cancer #waningcrescent #lunar #moon #moonmagick #lunarselfcare

Be mindful of keeping your own self-care needs met and keeping your own cup full. This could mean setting some clear boundaries with others but also with yourself. Don’t give in to the urge to emotionally eat your way through the weekend when your emotions might be heightened. Instead get your journal and write or meditate the emotions out. You might like to try using this Cancer Lunar Self-Care Blend in the diffuser or in a roller bottle topped with coconut oil to wear: Ylang-ylang, Chamomile, Vetiver.

Waning Crescent Moon in Cancer Diffuser or Roller Ball essential oil blend #lunar #moon #cancer #waningcrescent #recipe #blend #lunarselfcare #moonmagick #oils #doterra

Would you love to learn more about using essential oils to support your lunar self-care then click the banner below!

Watch this full forecast on my IGTV below:

If you would love to learn more about how to incorporate lunar self-care into your life, then join me for a Lunar Visioning Session.