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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

So it’s a pretty exciting start to what is looking to be a really positive week ahead, with the Full Moon in Gemini and a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. It will be exact at 7:29pm tonight and will be the first of the seasonal eclipses that will be happening in December.

A penumbral eclipse is when the outer shadow of the Earth blocks some sun and causes shadowing on the Moon. An eclipse makes the usual release work that we do on the Full Moon even more important. Today, focus on letting go of your doubts, fears, insecurities, and any issues you have with communication.

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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

It is now officially Sagittarius Season, which brings with it a shift in energy this week. This is coupled with Neptune going direct after a long retrograde as well as the Moon growing fuller as we head towards the next Full Moon and the start of eclipse season. The week brings lots of opportunities for us to really get aligned in our thinking and actions. Click through to keep reading and take a closer look at what to expect from the energy and mood this week.

Lunar Mood and Energy Forecast

Lunar Mood and Energy Forecast

The big news this week is the start of the new month with a Full Moon, but there are also some other interesting astro weather events such as Saturn stationing direct in Capricorn and Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, but let’s focus on how the lunar energies will affect us in the week ahead. Click through to continue reading.

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Our week begins with the Sun and Moon both in Leo. What a fun energy to kick-off this week with! Even though our energy levels will be waning with the upcoming dark moon, there are only a few more days of the Leo Sun season. So really make the most of this time to enjoy yourself, play, embrace your inner-child and celebrate being alive. Put on your favourite playlist and dance like nobody’s watching, get crafty or express yourself artistically, jump on a trampoline or try hula-hooping- anything that is playful and brings joy to make the most of the last few days that the Sun is in Leo.

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

This week is all about nourishing your mind, body and soul! We start this week with the moon in Earthy and Sensual Taurus. As the moon continues its waning phase, we will continue to feel our energy levels receding which can make it tough to power through our work, so enjoy the more gentle, flowy vibes of Taurus in this phase

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

We start this week with the first quarter moon starting in Libra with the moon moving into intense Scorpio in the afternoon. This Scorpio moon will allow us to see the truth and speak the truth more clearly; this could also cause us to feel a bit uncertain about different areas of our life. Don’t be afraid to go deep and explore the shadows.

Being in the water sign of Scorpio means we will be likely more emotional, so be mindful not to get critical or defensive. Work to solve any issues that may arise through honesty and openness and tap into your intuition. This Scorpio moon will be a good chance to deepen our relationships and to grow from whatever might arise.

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

We begin this week with the moon in Cancer. The Dark Moon continues through Monday before we have the second Cancer New Moon for the month very early on Tuesday morning in Australia (3:32am AEST). The New Moon provides a clean slate and this new moon also gives us a second chance. In setting your intentions for the new lunar cycle look at what you set last Cancer New Moon in June and anything you didn’t accomplish then, you can set again now, and work to improve on those things in this lunation. With Cancer relating to how we give and receive emotional health and security, the themes of this new moon are around how we nurture our emotions as well as those of our loved one.