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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Week Commencing March 22, 2021

*all times in Australian Eastern Standard

This week will be a big one both emotionally and energetically, with some high-emotion transits as well as the increased energy that comes as the Moon Waxes as it approaches the Full Moon. We are now in Aries season and at the beginning of the new astrological year which brings an exciting and energising energy too. Let’s look at what La Luna has in store for us this week.

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast for the Week Commencing March 22, 2021 #lunar #moon #energy #moonphase #astrology #lunarselfcare #moonology #moonmagick #witchyvibes

First Quarter Moon in Cancer

The week kicks off with the First Quarter Moon in emotional and mothering Cancer. The Moon is exalted in this sign, but the mood may feel a bit heavy with some extreme emotions, a shift from the upbeat and social weekend energy. The First Quarter phase is one where energy levels are starting to peak, and you can also reflect on the past week and review how your New Moon intentions are forming.

First Quarter Moon in Cancer  #cancer #moonchild  #firstquarter #lunar #moon #energy #moonphase #astrology #lunarselfcare #moonology #moonmagick #witchyvibes

Be gentle and compassionate with yourself and others if you find that emotions are running hot and cold. Try not to be to over-ambitious and do be realistic about what you can accomplish in this lunation. It might be useful to make the most of this Moon for the next two days to get cosy at home where the Cancer Moon feels most comfortable and to spend time with your loved ones preparing delicious home-cooked meals and to get nostalgic. Nurture your own emotional needs and tune into your intuition to find that place of balance and calm. Use the essential oil blend Aromatouch to comfort your body and mind during this Cancer Moon time.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Leo

On Wednesday The Waxing Gibbous Moon will be Void from 1:26am to 7:56am and will then be stationed in outgoing Leo. This phase of the Moon cycle is a good one for taking action on your plans whilst the Leo energy might have you wanting to put yourself out there and to express yourself creatively.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Leo #waxinggibbous #leo #lunar #moon #energy #moonphase #astrology #lunarselfcare #moonology #moonmagick #witchyvibes

There can be a theatrical energy with a Leo Moon- enjoy this time with friends and family and if you do feel to fired-up then do something that will help you to cool down like going for a swim. Be mindful of your pride and ego as well as that of others with the collective confidence levels being quite high. You will have a lot of energy, so keep busy and active and you might find your feel more generous than normal. Connection with others will be a good outlet for your energy, confidence, and generosity. Diffuse or inhale Citrus Bliss to tap into the creative and expressive Leo energies.

Void-of-course Moon

On Thursday night from 11:27pm until Friday at 1:25pm, the Waxing Gibbous Moon will be in a long Void-of-course. During this time, it’s best to avoid making big decisions, having meetings or important discussions or to start on anything new, because they will likely not come to fruition if started during the Void Moon time. Instead use this as excuse to practice some nourishing self-care until the Moon is stationed in organised Virgo.

Lunar Self-Care Kit - Great for a Void Moon Day (and everyday!) #moon #lunar #selfcare #lunarselfcare #moonmagick

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Virgo

From Friday afternoon when the Waxing Gibbous Moon is in Virgo you will likely notice things feel more grounded and stable than the previous two days. Your attention to detail will increase, as will your ability to analyse situations with clarity. There could be the desire for perfectionism or finding fault in yourself and others that can lead to feelings of anxiety if not kept in check.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Virgo #waxinggibbous #virgo #lunar #moon #energy #moonphase #astrology #lunarselfcare #moonology #moonmagick #witchyvibes

Be mindful of your interactions with others to avoid rubbing people the wrong way with your criticism and honesty. If you find yourself over-analysing then use the essential oil Wild Orange to help with letting go. This is a great time to be in your routine, to de-clutter and clean and to focus on good healthy habits. Work through things that require your attention to detail and concentration and to finish things you have started but not yet completed. Your intellect will be heightened with the Virgo Moon too, and doing thinks that require your logic like crosswords, sudoku or chess would be fun and relaxing to do.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Libra

On Sunday, the almost Full Moon will be in another long Void period from 9:48am until 3:22pm. This is perfect for Self-Care Sunday when you can use this opportunity to really take some time out and to relax. From late on Sunday afternoon the Moon will be stationed in harmony-loving Libra. There will be a focus on relationships and partnerships, and it could be a good time to go on a romantic date.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Libra  #waxinggibbous #libra #lunar #moon #energy #moonphase #astrology #lunarselfcare #moonology #moonmagick #witchyvibes

Libra’s need to keep the peace could make it difficult to make big decisions. Use Lemon and Peppermint essential oils for support if you do need to make any decisions. Libra also helps us to find equilibrium, so connecting with your loved ones will be positive emotionally. Look at areas of your life where you need to have more harmony and balance and look at how you can make your living and working space more beautiful or use Libra’s appreciation of beauty to attend a gallery or spend time in nature where you can be surrounded by it. It’s also good when the Moon is in Libra to get yourself beautified with a facial or a haircut. It would be good to take some time on Sunday to prepare for the up-coming Full Moon on Monday.

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Weekly Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast Summary for Week Commencing March 22, 2021 #lunar #moon #energy #moonphase #astrology #lunarselfcare #moonology #moonmagick #witchyvibes

I will be running a Full Moon releasing circle for Moon Members on Sunday night so if you would like to be part of that, be sure to join us in the membership!

Watch the full forecast on my IGTV below: