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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Week Commencing March 29, 2021

*all dates and times are AEST

What a week when it kicks off with a Full Moon! These are always big energy weeks and this one throws us right into the thick of it with the Full Moon in Libra exact on Monday morning at 4:48am Australian Eastern Standard time. This Libra Moon will put the spotlight on partnerships and relationships and finding harmony, balance and justice in both our personal and professional contexts. 

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast for Week Commencing March 29,2021 #lunar #moon #moonphase #astrology #cosmicwisdom #moonology #moonmagick

Full Moon in Libra

On the Full Moon it’s a time to release, so take time in the next 48 hours while the Moon is still full to write a forgiveness list of all those people who have hurt you or caused you pain or who you know you have caused to hurt in some way and let go of this so you can heal. Use the oil blend Forgive for extra emotional support in doing this release work on the Full Moon.

Full Moon in Libra #fullmoon #libra #moonphase #moonsign #moonology #lunar #moonmagic #lunarwitch #lunarselfcare #selfcare

There is also a Grand Trine taking place between the Moon, Pluto and Mars, which means they are 120 degrees from each other, in a formation that brings a positive, harmonious, in-flow energy. Along with Mercury and Neptune in conjunction in Pisces, this Full Moon is perfect for letting go, surrendering and moving forward on your dreams with confidence.

For Monday and Tuesday it will be possible to harness the Libra Moon vibes to love on your friends and family and to honour your own connection to those in your inner circle as well as the broader community. Libra also loves balance- think of those Libran scales- so take time to also explore what needs to be realigned in your life to bring more harmony. What or who can you let go of and how are you looking after yourself? Are you treating yourself the way you would someone who you care about? What can you do more of to have more balance in your life? This focus on self-love will be very helpful during this Full Moon.

Full Moon in Libra Release Ritual #fullmoon #libra #moonphase #moonsign #moonology #lunar #moonmagic #lunarwitch #lunarselfcare #release #forgive #ritual

Don’t forget to also do your Full Moon Mapping- sit in your sacred space or somewhere beautiful in nature to indulge the Libra Mon energy. It’s a good time to also go on a romantic date or do something loving for yourself like get a massage or do n at-home facial. After the build-up of energy the previous week, it can be good to take some time out to find harmony in your home and work space too.

Want to be part of a Full Moon Circle where I guide you through this release ritual with other supportive sisters? Join the Moon Membership and get access to New Moon and Full Moon circles every month, and be part of a fun community where you can learn everything about the Moon and how to integrate lunar practices into your life.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Scorpio

There will be a long Void Moon period from 10:007am on Tuesday until 3:33pm and the Moon will then be Waning Gibbous in passionate and deep Scorpio, which could mean more intense feelings bubbling to the surface.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Scorpio #waninggibbous #scorpio #moonphase #moonsign #moonology #lunar #moonmagic #lunarwitch #lunarselfcare #selfcare

Manage any big emotions that you feel and tune into your intuition, because Scorpio’s watery energy can heighten this. Add a few drops of Geranium essential oil to your diffuser to aid in feelings of love and trust and honesty that might be needed during this Scorpio Moon. You will feel a gradual decline in energy over the space of this week with the waning Moon phase and having intense emotions can be quite draining too, so keep up your self-care and show yourself compassion.

Void-of-course Moon

On Thursday the Moon will have another long Void period from 10:28am until 3:58pm when the usual Void Moon advice applies. Use this as a time to rest and replenish and to practice nourishing self-care and avoid making big decisions and starting on anything new.

Void-of-course Moon #voidmoon #moonphase #moonsign #moonology #lunar #moonmagic #lunarwitch #lunarselfcare #selfcare

Waning Gibbous Moon in Sagittarius

The Waning Gibbous Moon will move into adventurous and optimistic Sagittarius were it will stay until Saturday. This Sag Moon is a good time to get out and about and to spend time with your friends. You will probably feel fired up after the Airy and Watery energies of the week. Get active by doing some kind of sport or high energy cardio to release some of the pent-up energy but be sure to get enough rest and sleep too especially in this waning Moon phase.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Sagittarius #waninggibbous #sagittarius #moonphase #moonsign #moonology #lunar #moonmagic #lunarwitch #lunarselfcare #selfcare

Sagittarius Moons encourage learning and study so you may want to work on a course that you have been meaning to do or saving for a rainy day (or in this case, Sagittarius Moon day!) Spending time out in nature or going on some kind of adventure will also feed the Sagittarius fires. You can also use the essential oil blend Passion to really tap onto your imagination and creativity with the Moon in Sag. The Moon will go void on Saturday afternoon from 3:23pm until 6:12pm when it will move into the sign of Capricorn.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Capricorn

On Sunday the hard-working and serious Capricorn Moon will mean a shift in the mood and energy once again. There will be a practical and down-to-earth influence so you could spend time on Sunday doing a clear out or anything that is practical such as planning your schedule for the week ahead.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Capricorn #waningibbos #capricorn #moonphase #moonsign #moonology #lunar #moonmagic #lunarwitch #lunarselfcare #selfcare

You will have low energy and low emotions so it’s not the best time to be socialising or networking but definitely a good time to plan for your own future and focus on your goals and dreams and how you will make them happen.

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Lunar Mood and Energy Forecast for Week Commencing March 29,2021  Lunar Self-Care Summary #moonphase #moonsign #moonology #lunar #moonmagic #lunarwitch #lunarselfcare #selfcare

Watch the full forecast on my IGTV below: