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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Week Commencing May 10, 2021

*all dates and times are in AEST

This week’s astro weather sees Venus entering Gemini and Jupiter moving into Pisces, which could see some energy and mood shifts. It’s good to look at how you are feeling right now and what might be coming up for you, especially with the Pluto retrograde. Have there been any transformations? Keep noticing how power and control are showing up for you in your life as this retrograde continues over the coming months. Looking to the Moon, this week we all get a fresh start with the New Moon in earthy and abundant Taurus. Really use this New Moon to feel into the Taurus Season energies of comfort and nourishment, ideally out in nature.

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast for Week Commencing May 10, 2021 #lunar #moon #moonology #moonmagick #lunarwitch #cosmicenergy #forecast

Dark Moon in Taurus

You might be feeling lethargic and heavy right now, which would be due to the Moon being in its Dark phase. Heed the Moon’s call to take time to rest, go within and prepare yourself for the new lunar cycle. This time of the Dark Moon is regenerative and perfect for reflecting on how things have progressed since the New Moon in Aries last month and to release what is no longer important or in your highest good.

Taurus Dark Moon Self-Care Roller Blend #taurus #taurusdarkmoon #darkmoon #selfcare ##doterra #roller #recipe #aromatherapy #moonmagick #moonology

Take some time to consolidate any learning, and complete any final tasks from your intentions you set at the start of this lunar cycle. Harness the patient Taurus Moon energy to connect with your mind, body and spirit.

New Moon in Taurus

On Wednesday, the New Moon in Taurus will be exact at 4:59am. Taurus brings the opportunity to nurture yourself as well as nurture your dreams while being grounded in the here and now. It’s very practical so it can make your dreams feel more tangible- so go big! The Taurus energy will also help you to focus on your self-worth and teaches how you can attract abundance in our life.

New Moon in Taurus #taurus #newmoon #newmoonintaurus #moonology #moonmagick #lunarwitch #selfcare #lunarselfcare #intentions #moonphase

On this New Moon when setting your intentions and big dreams, don’t forget to practice gratitude as this will help to shift your vibration to that of being able to attract all the earthly abundance you desire. Be sure to spend some time in Nature, as Taurus is sensual and enjoys using all the senses and takes joy in the beauty that is all around. Tuning into this energy will also help you to tap into your creativity. This Taurus New Moon is also a great reminder to be mindful and to take time for stillness. The essential oils Jasmine, Neroli and Patchouli in any combination would be wonderful to connect with the sensual Venusian energy that Taurus brings.

Taurus New Moon Self-Care to connect with the energy of this New Moon #taurus #newmoon #taurusnewmoon #newmoonnintaurus #astrology #selfcare #lunarselfcare #moonmagick #moonology #lunarwitch

I will be talking more about the energy of this New Moon in the circle for Moon Members where we will also connect to set powerful intentions together. You are invited to join us in the Moon Membership and be part of this and all our future new and full moon circles.

Don’t forget to also do your New Moon mapping in your My Unstoppable Life Journal on or shortly after the New Moon.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Gemini

At 10:23pm on Wednesday, the Moon will go Void briefly before transiting into communicative Gemini where it will be until Friday night.

When the Moon is in Gemini it is a good time to do anything that requires clear quick and clear communication- whether that is through talking or writing. It is a good day to batch write your blog posts or record podcasts. You might find it helpful to stimulate your intellect by getting together with friends to share about things that are important to you. 

Waxing Crescent Moon in Gemini #waxingcrescent #gemini #moonngemini #moonology #moonmagick #lunarselfcare #selfcare #moonmagick #mooonology #lunarwitch

Don’t  let your mind get too scattered and busy. Grapefruit and Bergamot essential oils can help with focusing your thoughts while the Moon is in Gemini. As the Moon starts its waxing phase it is good to start looking at your intentions that you set on the New Moon and to plan out how you will start to take action on those.

Void-of-course Moon

On Friday night at 8:0pm the Moon will start a long Void of course until 11:30am on Saturday. It is recommended to leave those couple of hours for doing more menial tasks in your business and work and avoid meetings or making big decisions. It isn’t the best timing to strive for doing anything you want a solid outcome in as it is unlikely to come to fruition. Enjoy doing a hobby or doing some self-care that you enjoy while diffusing some Balance or Aromatouch essential oil blends.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Cancer #waxingcrescent #moon #cancer #moonincancer #lunarselfcare #selfcare #moonology #moonmagick #lunarwitch

Waxing Crescent Moon in Cancer

From 11:30am on Saturday the Moon will be in emotional Cancer. You may not want to be too social over this weekend, opting instead to spend time at home with your loved ones, preparing nourishing and nurturing meals and getting nostalgic while diffusing some Rosemary, Peppermint and Lemon. You should spend time taking some action on your new moon intention to ensure that those seeds can begin to sprout.

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast for the Week Commencing May 10, 2021 #lunarforecast #lunar #moon #moooonphase #lunarselfcare #selfcare #moonmembership #moonology #moonmagick #lunarwitch

Join us in the Moon Membership! Click the graphic below and start integrating lunar self care into your life and biz every day for more harmony, flow and alignment!

Come and watch the full forecast on my IGTV below: