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Lunar Mood and Energy Forecast

Week Commencing June 29, 2020

It’s hard to believe that this week will be the month of July! So much has happened in the first part of this year, and this lunar cycle has been particularly intense with so many retrogrades and eclipses. We will have some space this week to do some of the reflective work needed to integrate all the changes that have been happening and the week will close with a full moon on Sunday.

Weekly Moon Mood and Energy Forecast June 29, 2020 #moon #lunar #energy #Mood #lunarselfcare

Libra First Quarter Moon

To start the week, the moon in the sign of Libra where it moved into on Sunday. The First Quarter moon reminds us to take action. It could be useful to do some journaling to reflect on how thing have been since the Cancer new moon. How can you take action on your intentions that you set on the new moon in this week ahead? What can you commit to doing and what can you let go of while still maintaining good self-care? Libra is about fairness, so how can you have more balance and equilibrium on all aspects of your life? The Balance essential oil blend is worth using on Monday to help harness these Libra vibes.

First Quarter Moon in Libra #lunar #moon #energy #lunarselfvare #lunaroils #essentialoils

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Scorpio

On Tuesday the moon shifts into its Waxing Gibbous Moon into transformative Scorpio. While the moon is in Scorpio, it could be good time to focus on your relationships with your loved ones as well as in your working relationships. This might mean having some uncomfortable conversations or communicating strongly on things that you believe in. Use this communication roller blend for extra support.

Clear Communication Roller Blend

Spruce (4 drops)

Lime (3 drops)

Copaiba (3 drops)

Apply to your neck and wrists for clear communication.

The action-oriented energy of the waxing gibbous moon could also be good for pursuing your passion and purpose self-care pillar. What tasks or projects will really light you up and make you feel inspired? Go work on those while the moon is in Scorpio.

Clear Communication Roller Blend for the Scorpio Waxing Gibbous Moon Energy #lunar #moon #rollerblend #essentialoils

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Sagittarius

On Thursday the moon will be in the Waxing Gibbous phase in the sign of philosophical Sagittarius. When the moon is in Sagittarius, it’s good time for learning as well as sport and adventure. Can you take a long walk somewhere new on Thursday or Friday to harness those lunar energies?  Keep working on things that need to be improved upon or look at what lessons can be learned from the experiences you have had that have been less than stellar. A nice diffuser blend to support you while the moon is in Sagittarius is tangerine and cedarwood.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Sagittarius #lunar #moon #nnergy #lunarselfcare

Full Moon in Capricorn and Penumbral Eclipse

On Sunday there will be a Full Moon in Capricorn and a penumbral eclipse at 2:30pm AEST where the Earth’s shadow will block some of the sun to create a moon shadow. This eclipse will highlight the usually unseen or hidden parts of ourselves and our life. This is a chance for us to look at what is important to us, where do we want to put the effort into and where can we do things more effectively and efficiently. Do we need to have better boundaries in any area of our life and how can we stay grounded and structured? I would recommend doing some Grounding and spending time in nature if possible on Sunday. Also minimise the time spent using technology.

Full Moon in Capricorn and Lunar Eclipse #lunar #moon fullmoon #capricorn #eclipse

 The full moon in Capricorn calls for us to look restructure the way we are doing things.  Capricorn is very organised and focused, so re-evaluate your plans and map out how your goals for the second half of this year. This might mean changing the way you do things and restricting your life and business so you can keep your ambitions in sight without being too forceful or pushing to much and instead going more with the flow.

 Do your full moon mapping from the My Unstoppable Life Journal and explore where you have been too controlling things too much and where you can loosen-up more. The full moon time is all about release- what can you let go of? What’s no longer serving you? What can you celebrate that is going well?

Full moon in Capricorn and Lunar Eclipse Blend

Cedarwood: balance and grounding

Cypress: energy and strength

Patchouli: action, purpose and gratitude

Frankinsence: spiritual, intuitive, and uplifting

Full Moon in Capricorn and Lunar Eclipse Blend #eclipse #lunar #moon #fullmoon #lunaroils #essentialoils

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