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Lunar Mood and Energy Forecast

Week Commencing July 6, 2020

How beautiful was the full moon last night? I hope you managed to get a glimpse of it in the sky! I was lucky to be able to view the sun setting behind me as the beautiful full moon in Capricorn rose in front of me. Magic!

If you haven’t yet done your full moon mapping in your journal and done your release work for the full moon, then there is still time. The lunar energy of the moon can still be harnessed for up to 48 hours afterwards.

Lunar Mood and Energy Forecast Week Commencing July 6, 2020 #lunar #moon #lunarselfcare

Waning Gibbous Moon in Aquarius

So today, Monday, the moon is in its Waning Gibbous phase in Capricorn, moving into the sign of Aquarius later in the day. The moon will stay here in this phase and sign until Wednesday.

As the moon begins its waning phase of the cycle after a full moon, it is time to integrate the learnings from the first half of the cycle since the new moon in Cancer, and to express gratitude for any new insights you may have. It’s also a good time to look at how you can practice better self-care to really nourish your mind and body as your energy starts to recede.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Aquarius #lunar #mmoon #moonphase #selfcare #lunarselfcare #aquarius #waninggbbous

The Aquarius moon encourages us to do things that are unique, individualistic  and to see things from a big-picture perspective. An Aquarius moon really favours making improvements to our life which is also in perfect alignment with the waning gibbous phase.

When the moon is in Aquarius it also promotes socialising and getting together with friends and you might find yourself in a more intellectual mindset for the first part of this week. So use this time to look at what things in your life could be done better or differently. Siberian Fir and Rosemary essential oils can help you to get the clarity you need.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Pisces

On Thursday and Friday we have the Waning Gibbous moon in watery and feminine Pisces. A Pisces moon encourages us to take a step back from the big vision vibe of Aquarius and to retreat, dream and tap more into our intuition. You might find that it’s hard to keep your personal boundaries and to see thing as clearly as you would like, and using an oil blend like Balance will help you to see things from a more realistic and grounded perspective. Practice your Rest and Relaxation Self-Care Pillar and really nourish yourself, and do some earthing too.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Pisces #moon #lunar #moonphase #pisces #waninggibbous #lunarselfcare

Third Quarter Moon in Aries

On Saturday the moon moves into action-oriented Aries and on Sunday there will be the Third Quarter moon in Aries. From the Third Quarter moon phase until the dark moon we really should be slowing right down and continuing the release work that we started on the full moon. Aries provides a fiery energy, which might make us feel more impulsive than usual, but this can also be a good energy for putting plans into place. So the challenge is going to be balancing the Third Quarter receding energy with the get-up-and go vibe of the moon in Aries.

Third Quarter Moon in Aries #lunar #moon #aries #thirdquartermoon #lunarselfcare #essentialoils

A good way to use some of your excess energy on Sunday would be to do some de-cluttering and be ruthless in throwing out things that you no longer need. Rather than taking physical action, look at the plans you have made and make some super clear action steps for how you will achieve these things as a way to take it easy while also harnessing the Aries vibe. Definitely move your body in an energising way too. Think dancing or a run- and plan to do something new and fun! Ylang-ylang, Peppermint and Citrus Bliss will be great oils in any combination.

On another note, it’s worth mentioning that Mercury will be stationing direct again on Sunday, hooray! We will still feel its shadow for a little while longer but yippeee to having easier and clearer communications and things being a lot lighter again until the next Mercury Rx.

**This forecast is for the Southern Hemisphere. Go back one day for the Northern Hemisphere (for eg. if I talk about Monday in Australia that will be Sunday in the USA).

Get your beautiful oils to complement your lunar self-care practice by clicking below:

Get your doTERRA oils and support your lunar self-care practices #essentialoils #doterra #oils #lunarselfcre

Watch the full IGTV video of this forecast here: