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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Today marks Solstice- winter or summer depending on your hemisphere- so I hope you have a happy solstice! It’s a big week ahead this week with the Full Moon, expect to feel a burst of energy and possible restless sleep in the build-up. We are now in Cancer season and will have the start to a new month this week! Mercury is in retrograde until the 23rd,when it will finally station direct again, although we will we will still be feeling its shadow over the coming weeks . Mercury Rx is in a sextile with Chiron in Aries, and both the Moon and Sun are also squaring Chiron in Aries, an angle which calls for us to heal any wounds we might have around our self-expression and where we might be holding back from using our voice. Let’s look at how the lunar energies and mood will affect us this week.

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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

This week in the cosmic weather, we have a New Moon and Solar Eclipse, Mercury is still in retrograde, and there will also be an interesting transit with Neptune in a challenging aspect with the Sun, Moon and Mercury, as well as a Saturn and Uranus connection that will be pushing us to analyse our life choices. It’s a busy week in the skies- continue reading to learn more about what you can expect from the Lunar energies this week.

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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Before sharing about the Moon energies, I want to mention that Jupiter has moved into Pisces, which is something that last happened in 2010. Jupiter is considered the lucky planet and with it stationed in Pisces, this means that we have the chance to think big, dream big and go big. Lots of possibilities lay ahead between now and July when Jupiter will shift signs to Aquarius. In Lunar news, this week sees the Moon continuing to wax, which means we will have more energy, focus and opportunity for taking inspired action on your intentions. Let’s take a closer look…

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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

How are you feeling? Have there been any Pluto retrograde transformations? Keep noticing how power and control are showing up for you in your life as this retrograde continues over the coming months. In other cosmic weather, this week also sees Venus entering Gemini and Jupiter moving into Pisces which could see some energy ad mood shifts. Looking to the Moon, this week we all get a fresh start with the New Moon in earthy and abundant Taurus. Really use this New Moon to feel into the Taurus Season energies of comfort and nourishment, ideally out in nature.

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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

It’s a new month, and what a month it is going to be with eclipse season happening, and lucky planet Jupiter transiting into the sign of dreamy Pisces which will bring new fortunes our way, as well as our second Mercury Retrograde of the year happening in the sign of Gemini at the end of the month. As for this week ahead, the Moon is waning which means that things will feel much calmer and slower, especially toward the end of the week as we approach the Dark Moon and the New Moon in Taurus.

Let’s look at what we can expect from each day with regards to the lunar energies and mood. Continue reading to learn more….

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Welcome to the lunar energy and mood forecast for the week ahead. You can use the info that I share in this forecast to help you to learn more about how the Moon Phase will affect your energy and the Moon’s sign will influence your mood, so that you can plan out your week to best harness the lunar energies and rock it in your life and your biz!

This is a Full Moon week, which means that emotions and energy will be peaking. No doubt you are already feeling the strong energy and you may find your sleep is restless and your energy is through the roof.

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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

With the Moon continuing to wax this week, we will want to focus more on our intentions and goals for this lunation and to take action on the things needed to help bring them into fruition. Energy levels will be peaking by the end of the week which can be useful to make the most of by planning out big projects and tasks.

There is quite a lot going on in the skies that will be influencing things too. Mercury will be affected by Pluto, Mars and Jupiter which could mean that our thoughts and communication will have us speaking our mind and thinking about many different things that will either have us feeling scattered and confused or thinking about things in new and transformational ways. Today also marks the start to Taurus Season with the Sun moving from Aries into this earthy, practical and grounded sign. Taurus Season is perfect for slowing down, focusing on self-care, and to paying attention on your money, finances and material possessions.

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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

The Moon continues to wane this week, and we will also have the influence of Venus putting the spotlight on love, relationships and our values. Venus has moved into Aries and will be conjunct the Sun which could mean taking initiative and being courageous in the area of love. Mercury has also moved into Aries which will make our thinking and communication quicker and more impulsive too. The waning Moon energy will see energy levels decreasing but with the influence of so many personal planets in Aries, the urge to be active and spontaneous will keep things progressing this week.

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