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Lunar Mood & Energy Forecast

Week Commencing March 2nd, 2020

This week sees the moon continuing to wax through the First Quarter and then Waxing Gibbous phases. This means we can harness the moon for momentum and focus to fulfil our plans and intentions, prior to the Virgo supermoon which we will experience early next week. The challenge this week will be keeping motivated as there are a number of astro-events that will not make this easy- instead we will be more likely to want to take it easy!

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast March 2, 2020

We start this week with the moon in sociable and mind-oriented Gemini, an air sign which is also ruled by Mercury which is still in retrograde until the 10th March. Mercury could still be stirring-up trouble this week- so be prepared- and in terms of our mind, we could find ourselves thinking in a dreamy Piscean way.

Having this kind of vibe while we are in the First-Quarter moon phase, which can make us feel impatient if the plans we have are not moving quickly enough, and really requires us to focus on what we need to do to get things done. We can use the very thinking and analytical energy of Gemini to look logically at what is happening to us and then harness the effervescent energy to make our intentions and plans a reality.

First Quarter Moon in Gemini #moonphase #gemini #firstquarter

The combination of the Gemini in First Quarter moon and Mercury retrograde in Pisces has the potential to really make us over-think, or to get carried away with new spiritual insights that come our way. Definitely get out your journal and be ready to note down any new learnings, observations, ideas or thought-patterns- these intuitive hits could prove to be valuable truths to reflect back on later.

Gemini is known as the wordsmith, so putting pen to paper should come easily. If you have been wanting to learn something new, if you have to do research, or you need to write some blog posts, now is a great time to do this.

It will also be easy to spend time in social situations for the first part of this week while the moon is in this upbeat and sociable sign. Tap into your relationships self-care pillar and get in touch with your siblings or bestie for a laugh and a giggle.

Mid-week the moon will move into the sign of Cancer, which will bring a more nurturing energy. With the moon in this emotional sign which focuses on family, stability and security, we might feel the need to spend time at home where we can feel safe and secure. Keep chipping away at those intentions and projects- it might help to be creative in doing so.

We can’t forget to be kind to ourselves and what better time than when the moon is in its ruling sign of Cancer to practice self-love and self-worth. Flip any negative self-talk you catch yourself using mid-week and use the Cancer moon to boost your emotional intelligence.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Leo #waxinggibbous #moonphase #leo

By the end of the week the moon will be in its Waxing Gibbous phase and will move into the sign of playful Leo. Leo helps us to tap into childlike nature. Do things that help you to embrace your inner child- dance, play, see the magic that surrounds you and get creative. Work on any of your passion projects and the things that set your soul of fire as a way to stay focused on your work and projects and keep motivated to complete everything before the full moon.

This week we will also see Venus moving into earthy Taurus, so be patient and stay gentle in your approach and go easy on yourself this week- try not to push and hustle, and instead go with the flow and harness the sensuous vibrations that this week brings.

Watch the full forecast video here:

You are also invited to join in an online Full Moon in Virgo circle. Join for this full moon release & energy alignment circle on Tuesday March 10th from anywhere in the world- reserve your place here:

Lunar Mood & Energy Forecast

Lunar Mood & Energy Forecast

Welcome to the moon energy and mood forecast for the week ahead.

We start this week in the Pisces new moon. If you haven’t already, be sure to take some time out to do a little new moon ritual and to set your new moon intentions. There is a handy section called moon mapping in the My Unstoppable Life Journal which is great for doing your intention-setting.

We can expect to feel a lot of watery Piscean energy this new moon with the Sun, Mercury and Neptune all in the sign of Pisces. Pisces is a spiritual, emotional and intuitive sign. Pisces calls us to heal past wounds, explore our emotions and the express ourselves in a way that is healthy and high vibe.

Mercury Retrograde Self-Care Survival Plan

Mercury Retrograde Self-Care Survival Plan

If you are in any way interested in astrology, then you have no doubt heard about Mercury Retrograde, an astrological phenomenon that occurs three or four times every year. The three weeks that Mercury is in retrograde are a time that many people dread because it can bring chaos to our life, especially in those areas involving travel, communications and technology. However, rather than fearing Mercury Retrograde (Rx), this can be the perfect time for practicing some extra special self-care so that you can review, reflect on and renew your life and come out of the other side of Mercury Rx feeling positive rather than frazzled and tense.

How to Start a Lunar Self-Care Journaling Ritual

How to Start a Lunar Self-Care Journaling Ritual

Using the moon as a guide for my regular journaling practice, has helped me to become more grounded, more mindful and to practice sacred self-care every day in a way that feels really good.

There really are so many benefits to a moon journaling practice and it is a very easy ritual to build into your self-care routine to start harnessing the moon’s energy to plan your days and weeks in a way that is gentle and in flow.

The best thing is that it’s easy to get started with lunar journaling, even if you don’t yet know much about the lunar cycle and have never followed astrology before.

10 Top Tips for Improving Your Work-Life Balance

10 Top Tips for Improving Your Work-Life Balance

When I first started my health coaching business, I honestly had no idea just how much I would need to hustle- especially when I first started out.

There never seemed to be an end to the things that I needed to do, and the work living a life side of things edged so far out that work and life were just one big blurred mess.

As a Libra moon in my astrology natal chart, having peace and balance is very important to me. It turns out that having me in their life is also important to my friends and family (who haven’t always been so understanding of all the work I have needed to do!).

The thing I have come to learn is that balance itself is pretty much elusive, and that our state of balance is going to shift and change as we go through different stages of our life.

What I think is important is to be able to recognise when we are trying to do too much, if that state is causing us to feel stressed and overwhelmed, and if it is, what we can do to shift things so they are less intense and easier to manage. Then we can be in more alignment, flow, and have more energy and freedom to do things on our terms.

The 8 Self-Care Pillars that are Essential for Business Success (and How to Practice Them)

The 8 Self-Care Pillars that are Essential for Business Success (and How to Practice Them)

There is no doubt that entrepreneur life can be challenging. If there is one thing that I have come to know from working with my clients, and from my own life as a business-owner, the biggest struggle that most entrepreneurs experience is a lack of work-life balance.  

The biggest excuse most women who I know have for not making self-care more of a priority is the lack of time. It’s understandable that in working as a solo-preneur, there are seemingly endless to-do lists that need to be done yesterday. and that it can get complicated to try and fit everything into just one day.  With this kind of stress, looking after ourselves can become the lowest thing on the priority list. Too often, I see women pushing themselves to the limit and treating themselves like their own worst enemy, rather than their own best friend.  

Then there is the guilt. When we are working for ourselves, either full-time or as a side hustle, we can feel guilty for spending time on things to nourish our own well-being and not that of our business. It’s easy to put the needs of our business, then our family and then our friends before our own. But at the end of the day, we should be practicing self-care and looking after our well-being the same way we would treat someone who we love.  

What Every Ambitious Woman Needs to Know To Be Unstoppable

What Every Ambitious Woman Needs to Know To Be Unstoppable

I believe so much in the power of being unstoppable that it has become my business mission to help every ambitious and driven woman entrepreneur I know to be living an unstoppable life.

So what does it mean to actually BE unstoppable?