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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

This week will be a big one both emotionally and energetically, with some high-emotion transits as well as the increased energy that comes as the Moon Waxes as it approaches the Full Moon. We are now in Aries season and at the beginning of the new astrological year which brings an exciting and energising energy too. Let’s look at what La Luna has in store for us this week.

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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

With the Moon now commencing its waxing phase, we will start to feel an increase in our energy, which is perfect for a week that is commencing with the Moon in go-getting Aries. We have Mercury moving from Aquarius to Pisces today as well, so you may start to express things that you are feeling and experiencing ethereally more clearly and to have a more open mind while this thinking planet is in Pisces. This weekend will be Equinox (Ostara / Spring Equinox for the northern hemisphere and Mabon / Autumn Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere). You might like to observe this time of equal day and night by doing rituals that balance the light and dark and help to bring more balance into your life- give thanks with a gratitude list and do a deep clean of your home or tidy up your garden or prune your plants. This Saturday also marks the start to Aries Season and the beginning of a new astrological year.

Continue reading to look at what to expect from the lunar energies specifically this week….

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

So here we are in March already! February felt like it flew by, and the Virgo Full Moon was the best way to close out the month. Was there any area of your life where you had any A-HAs particularly around structures and boundaries? Pisces Season continues this month and will continue to illuminate our spiritual side as we close out the astrological year feeling supported and in flow. There will be positive energy in the later part of the week with Mercury and Jupiter forming a lucky conjunction that could bring abundance and growth. The Moon has now entered its waning phase where it will be for the next two weeks, so it’s time to start to reflect and recharge, and with some gentler astrology transits and angles this week, it should mean that we will have chance to do just this. Keep reading to take a closer look at the moonology for this week….

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

This week the Moon continues to wane and our energy levels will recede as we go inward in preparation for the New Moon at the end of this week. It’s a gentle week astrologically, so rest and reflection should be the main aims for this week. Mercury is still in retrograde in Aquarius so continue to be mindful of things related to your communication, transport and technology. This coming weekend is also Valentine’s Day and the New Moon also marks Chinese New Year. Read on to find out what you can expect from the Moon”s energy and mood this week….

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Along with the Moon continuing its Waxing phase this week, we see the Sun moving signs into Aquarius, marking the start to Aquarius Season. Happy Birthday Aquarius! This means we should be feeling a collective feeling of momentum as well as an innovative energy. Aquarius season is exciting and will no doubt provide us with some eclectic situations. Make sure you manage your energy if you feel a surge in mental stimulation caused by the Sun moving into Aquarius.

Looking to the Moon, to start the week, the Waxing Crescent Moon will be in Pisces until 1:45pm when the Moon starts a Void-of-course until 5:08pm. Then it will be transiting Aries until Wednesday night. As always, plan to use the Void Moon to take it easy and not start on anything new. It’s a good time to de-clutter or practice some of your Rest and Relaxations self-care pillar activities.

Continue reading the full forecast….

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Welcome to the first lunar forecast for 2021! I hope that you have had a wonderful break and that you are excited about the new year ahead. I know that I am feeling refreshed after having plenty of quality time with my family, as well as sunshine and nature.

It’s ok if you haven’t set any big goals or intentions for the year ahead yet- I always like to grow into the energy, and prefer an over-arching feeling or words to flavour what I want to be, do, have and feel in the year. Sometimes this takes me up until the first Full Moon of the year to really settle on!

The Moon is also in its waning phase this week, which means our energy levels are going to be lower, so be gentle with yourself. And because the planets don’t really follow our human concepts of time, it means the astrology this week might have some of us feeling things quite intensely with there being some major planetary transits.

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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

There is so much to share in this week’s forecast, with some of the most potent energies of the year! It really is going to be a magical week and after the craziness of 2020 is going to provide us with a chance to re-set, realign and make clear intentions for the lunation ahead.

Here is a quick summary of some of the astro weather before I dive deeper into what’s happening with the Moon specifically. So, there will be the Sagittarius New Moon AND a full solar eclipse, Saturn is transiting into Aquarius as well as Jupiter moving into Aquarius. There will be a grand Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius on the Summer Solstice which we can also plan for. A revolution is upon us, which means it’s very important to stay aware and grounded (especially if you have Sagittarius or Aquarius in significant placements in your natal chart).

Read on for the full forecast….

Lunar Mood and Energy Forecast

Lunar Mood and Energy Forecast

The festive season is now upon us, and with it this brings opportunities to socialise (if possible!) to have fun and to get creative and really see what has been one helluva year out in a positive way. Let’s look at how the Moon will influence our mood and emotions as we embark on this time so we can plan our self-care accordingly.

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